
SeaNet | Your Key to Success

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  • Phone: 0000000
  • Email: info@seanet.company
  • Addr: Yerevan , Armenia

About us

At Seanet.company, we make network marketing simple, clear, and available to everyone.

Our innovative binary plan is designed to empower people from all backgrounds, giving them the tools they need to succeed without unnecessary complications.

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Terms of Service

This contract has been established between Seanet company with registration number ………… and the marketer who owns the above location, and the marketer accepts all the conditions mentioned in this contract by checking the box below the contract and is required to comply with all provisions. Seanet company is also mentioned in the contract.

Income Cap Calculation

The income cap is calculated including cycles.

Stored Points

After reaching the income cap, if you have not upgraded your position, the stored points on the left or right side of the position will be deleted and reset to zero. For three-point positions, stored points will be deleted after reaching the $3600 income cap.

Position Upgrades

Upgrading from a one-point to a two-point position and from a two-point to a three-point position is possible until the position reaches its income cap. After reaching the income cap, upgrading is no longer possible.

Activating Positions

Each position can be activated with one point ($200), two points ($400), or three points ($600). Note: The difference between one, two, and three points lies solely in the weekly income cap for that position, with no difference in the commission received per balance.


Upon initial registration, the registrant receives three positions: A, B, and C.

Free Registration

Signing up on the Seanet website is completely free.